Are you ready to finally get serious and start earning money from Google's Adsense? If you are, then it is time to draw up your very own adsense battle plan. Internet marketers never sleep, and I mean that literally. Since the Internet is alive and working twenty four hours a day, there a marketers coming out with new products all the time. Many of these products are dedicated to Google Adsense.
Since 2003 Google Ad sense has been opening up new opportunities for marketers around the world to innovate, and create new ways for people to make a living through the Internet. Anyone with the will to learn and the ability to take action, can create a nice living from home using Google Adsense. To do so, you must create a workable battle plan so that you can gain a foothold and to prosper big time.
Here are the key ingredients you need to create a good adsense battle plan. You will fail without them, but prosper handsomely by incorporating them into your system today.
1. Target a Lucrative Market. Yes! Your adsense battle plan will not get off the ground unless you research the right markets to get into. This is critical. The basic premise of adsense is that Google with share revenue with you from the advertisements that are placed on your site. If Google is paying you 75% of 10cents a click, that will not be enough to make it worth your while. Ensure that you pick the highest-paying, the most sought-after, but least competitive keywords and key phrases in any market. Check out nicheaday and get signed up for free high-paying keywords.
2. Now that you have a list of keywords that will ensure the right type of clicks on your adsense website, you will want to create real content that is original and search engine friendly. Oh! and before I forget, your content must not be duplicated else where.
If you are buying PLR (Private Label Rights ) articles, do ensure that you re-write those articles, else you will have the same articles as 100 – 300 other people on the Internet. These days, there are sophisticated software on the market that will help you do this. You may also contract other people to re-write articles for you. Do check out elance or rentascript to find people who will re-write your articles for a reasonable price.
3. No adsense battle plan is complete unless it includes a way to drive targeted traffic to your site. Natural search engine traffic is the best and cheapest traffic you can get, but this takes a lot of work and time. A quicker method may be to buy ppc (pay per click) traffic to get people to your adsense site. Here's how that works:
If you have a good site set up, with well-researched, high-paying keywords, you can buy traffic from any of the big three search engines and direct that traffic to your site. You simply have to ensure that you earning more per click from your site, than you are paying for each click on your site.
Don't forget that you should have valuable information on your website, or you risk losing your adsense account at Google. Marketers have coined a term for this. They call it Adsense Arbitrage. Many people are using Adsense Arbitrage successfully right now, and 1.1 billion Internet users out there, there is still room for more quality sites.
4. Test and Tweak your site for optimum click through. Once you have a site set up, you should continue to test the site for conversion and tweak it as necessary. To begin with, you should turn on channels inside your Google Adsense account. This will allow you to track which set of sites or pages are bringing you clicks. Google will do this for you, if you set it up in your account before you deploy the Adsense codes on your website.
Tweaking simply means that you should experiment with the colour, placement, and types of adsense ad units that you have on your site. The experts tell me that you should not let your ads look like ads. They must blend naturally into the colour scheme of your site. By the way, as Google is constantly changing their terms of service to improve the quality of adsense, you should ensure that your adsense battle plan does not violate these terms in any way. You can make a lot of money from Google Adsense. By staying within the TOS for Google, you could be getting a monthly cheque from Google for years to come.