In today’s increasingly expensive society, a need for a second income arises more and more each day. The problem with this is that no one has the time to get a second job, so we often Google various methods of making money online. Unfortunately, with all of the money making schemes online today, it’s hard to really trust that one method really works. I, myself, went through this same problem. Spending money on e-books that tell you all these “easy” ways to make money can empty your pockets rather than fill them. Especially because most of these schemes require you to have some sort of expertise of the internet. Now because of this, these schemes may seem like scams, but you have to look at them from a different way. I was fortunate enough to realize that is a plethora of resources available and it’s very possible to make money using MySpace as your gateway.
Since MySpace is the internet’s largest online community, this is the easiest way to advertise or reach millions of people with just a push of a button. This is the bread and butter to making money online. All you need is traffic to wherever you want people to go. Whether it’s selling something, or just PPC (pay per click) advertising, traffic will generate turnover and put money in your pocket. I know from experience that the way to make money on MySpace is easier than you think.
First, you need a way to generate revenue. You can start by joining an affiliate program network. Affiliates programs are when you will advertise a product for a specific seller. Every person that is forwarded to the seller’s website through YOUR advertising, you will make a percentage of the profit, it’s that simple. They seller will provide you specifically coded links that you can post anywhere on the internet, and these links will refer back to your program every time someone uses them. You can also start a blog. On your blog you can have PPC ads which generate revenue for you. After a while, it’s money straight into your pocket. But first you need to get people to click your links and visit your site. This is where MySpace comes in.
With MySpace, you can use bulletins, messages, or comments to post these links, but you have to do so carefully and discretely. You don’t want it to look like spam. You also have to build a large friend list with MySpace. With a large friend list, you can reach all of your friends with the push of a button. The method that I use is with a friend adding program like The Official MySpace Friend Adder. With a program like this, you can add 500 friends per day, and reach out to millions automatically. This program alone has generated hundreds of thousands of referrals to my affiliate programs. All I do now is create a cool looking bulletin with my affiliate link embedded within it, and send it out automatically. Just today I reached over 14,000 people without having to do anything. The great part of this is that I’ve had a great amount of turnover from these people. But you have to make the bulletin’s look interesting. You can do the same thing through commenting. Wirh a good friend adding program like The Official Friend Adder, you can send comments to everyone at the same time. With this you can even post your links on someone’s page and allow people that aren’t on your friend list to click on them.
Making money with MySpace is such an easy way to generate a second income. Just follow the steps I provided, get yourself a friend adding program, and you will be making money in no time.
PaulG is an expert on internet social groups, especially MySpace. Add up to 500 MySpace friends per day, leave tons of comments and messages, and gain traffic to your MySpace profile by checking out The Official MySpace Friend Adder. Try it out for free!