As of today, Google’s latest PageRank update is still going on. It will take at least a few more days for this process to complete, and until then some of you won’t be able to see your PR in the Google toolbar. You can, however, see what your new PR will probably be by checking the Future PageRank tool.
Some of you probably got a little boost; if you read my last post you know that I probably went from a PR0 to a PR3. I consider this a major accomplishment since the site has been up for less than 3 months.
The Next Google PageRank Update
There is no way to predict exactly when the next PR update will be, but we can get a general idea by looking at when the last PR updates were:
- April 27, 2007 - There is no doubt that there is one going on right now.
- January 25, 2007
- January 10, 2007
- September 28, 2006
- July 13, 2006
- April 4, 2006
- February 18, 2006
- December 19, 2005
- October 19, 2005
- July 14, 2005
There have been 10 updates in the last 27 months, meaning that PageRank has updated every 2.7 months over that period of time. As you can see, there has been more distance between the more recent updates, which is why I’m predicting that it will take 3.5 months for the next update. Court’s predicted PR update: August 13, 2007
Going From PR Zero to PR Hero
In order for you to increase your PageRank between now and then you have to start yesterday! The next month will be enormously vital, because links that are added within a few weeks of the next PR update will likely not count for you. If the update does happen in August, you will likely only get credit for links added between now and the middle of July. What if the next update happens in July? You will only get credit for links added between now and the middle of June.
Where Should I Start?
I would start with the easiest way to get links that I know of: Using the D-List. I have been compiling a list of blogs that have the “Do Follow” plugin installed. This means that by simply leaving a comment on these blogs, you will get a link that will count with Google. In order to get a link from your comment, be sure to leave your URL in the box labeled URL or URI.
The latest version of my D-List has over 140 blogs, which equals 140 links if you go through the entire list. Please leave valuable comments. These bloggers have installed the “Do Follow” plugin as a courtesy to you! Make sure that you leave well-constructed comments that will add to the value of their sites. That way it’s a win-win.
I would go through the list more than once! Most of the sites on my D-List are really cool sites, and you should check them out from time to time. Make sure you comment each time you visit!
Commenting on each of these blogs should secure you a PR of at least 1 (probably 2)for the next update.
Where Do I Go From There?
I would also start adding your site/blog to free web directories. Start with the list of directories at There are 986 directories there that you can submit to. Every single one of them is free. Some of the directories offer a paid submission, and tell you that you will get listed more quickly if you pay. Don’t pay! Do the free submissions.
You won’t get into every single directory, but if you got into half (which you probably will) you would find yourself with a PR of at least 3 for the next update. (assuming you comment on each of the blogs on the D-List as well) Some of these directories have PR5 and PR6, so links from them will really increase your PR.
I haven’t submitted to any of these directories and I’m already at a PR3, so I am hoping that I can get to PR5 before the next update by submitting to them.
What’s The Next Step?
If you get that far, you will deserve to be a PageRank Hero. Now you need to turn to this list, “102 Ways To Make Your Site A Back-Link Superstar.” I created this list to teach my readers how to get back-links. By using the techniques on the list, you should be able to go from PR Zero to PR Hero.
Have You Set Your PR Goal For The Next Update?
My new goal for PageRank is 5. I should be able to get there as long as we get a full 3 months before the next update. Have you made a goal? If you haven’t you probably won’t get any better! Here are some goals that should be reasonable and are based on your current PageRank:
- PR0 - If you’re starting at 0, you can easily get to PR2 and can probably get to at least PR3.
- PR1 - If you’re starting at PR1, PR2 should be a breeze. PR3 is likely with some hard work. PR4 is very possible, depending on how much time you’re willing to spend working on it.
- PR2 - You guys should easily get to PR3. PR4 is likely with some hard work.
- PR3 - PR4 is likely with some hard work. PR5 is possible as long as you’re really willing to commit.
- PR4 - PR5 is possible for the brave. PR6 is possible, although not likely. If you’re going to make a goal of PR6, you better be willing to bring it like gangbusters.
- PR5 - PR6 is a big jump but is definitely possible. Get to work right now.
- PR6 - PR7 can be reached with enough work and determination. Use the traffic you have now to create more links. Watch guys like John Chow (a masterful linkbaiter) closely, he will probably get to PR7.
- PR7 - If you’re at PR7 you are probably already really good at this and don’t need to read this article.
Still you can get to PR8 by creating some awesome linkbait and by using some viral tools.
- PR8+ - Please send me an email letting me know how you did it.
When Should I Start My New PageRank Campaign?
You should have started yesterday! If you haven’t started, get after it right now. I can’t stress enough how important the next month will be. I want every single one of you to become PageRank heroes.