So you’re starting from scratch, or maybe you have some experience and want to make sure that you’re not missing anything. Either way, I think I can help you out. I wrote this monstrosity of an article because I couldn’t find one anywhere that was thorough enough.
I want people to be able to get started after reading a single article, and there is no such article that I know of. This is the most thorough article on this subject I have seen anywhere on the internet.
Lately I’ve had quite a few friends ask me how to start a business online. I’ve even had a few friends start up some sites. I can see why, it’s such an intriguing way to make money. When people see you making money this way, they obviously hope that they can do it, too. So they start asking questions, and since they’re starting from scratch they usually have a ton of them.
I wish I had more time to teach everyone one-on-one. Since I can’t mentor everyone this way, I want to create a resource for everyone.
Where I Would Start
If I had to start my entire business from scratch right now, I would start a blog. (I actually did start this blog recently, although I already have some profitable websites.)
Definition of a Blog
For those of you that are brand new to internet marketing, blog is short for weblog. It’s kind of like a journal or diary, except you don’t use it only for history. You can use it to post news on a topic, give tips about a specific niche, or to write random thoughts if you want. A blog puts the latest entry at the top, and the blog creates archives all of the older entries for you.
If you go to the homepage of this blog, you will see the latest post I’ve made. To the right, you will find 10 or so recent posts. These are the last things I’ve written for you on this blog. You will also see categories. With a blog, each time you post, or write an entry, you choose which category you want the entry to appear in. You will also see archives. Usually a blog organizes the entries you post by the date they were posted. Since this is the first month this blog is online (written Feb. 2007), under the archives you can only see February. This will be expanded to show more months as time passes.
Sounding Complicated?
I know that many of you are thinking right now that it sounds really hard to create a site that will do all of that for you. I know that it can be overwhelming to learn something brand new. The beauty of a blog is that YOU don’t have to make any of that work. There is free software that will do all of it for you. (We will get to that a little later, I just want to let you know now so you don’t get scared and click the back button.)
Why I Would Use A Blog Instead Of An E-commerce Site (or any other type of site)
The biggest reason I would start a blog is because it’s easier. You don’t have to learn HTML. (HTML is the programming language that websites are written in.) Your biggest obstacle as someone trying to learn how to make money online is learning how to put a website together. You have to make tons of pages (that you designed yourself), and make sure they all work together. You have to create the layout, design, links, navigation, and content. (For the newbies, content is the articles, entries, and posts you put on your site. It’s the actual material that you write.) If you start with a blog you don’t need to do the layout, design, links, or the navigation. It’s all done for you, you just write the content.
Another reason I would start with a blog is that your blog will do some of your marketing for you. The program that I’m going to tell you to use will automatically alert some blog search engines when you post a new entry. These blog search engines will create links for you, and people will be able to find your site. The more you post, the more exposure you will get with the blog search engines. Even if this was the only marketing you ever did, you would be able to get some visitors and build up your list of readers.
My most recent protégé just started a blog about fitness. He just started last week! He and his mother are working together on the project. They haven’t done any marketing at all, other than the marketing their blog does for them, but they have already been able to get a few readers to their site. (Along with a little bit of money, which brings me to my next point.)
Blogs are easy to monetize. In other words, it’s easy to create a revenue stream for blogs. There are quite a few ways of creating revenue with blogs. The easiest and most effective way of monetizing a blog is with Google Adsense. If you look at the top of this article, you will see a Google ad unit. If one of my readers clicks on one of those ads, Google pays me. Depending on a number of factors, I might get between $.10 and $2.00 for a click. Google direct deposits this money in my account every month. You can opt for a check if that’s what you prefer. You make money day or night, as long as you have readers that click on ads. Some of your readers will naturally click because they will see things that interest them.
The reason I like Google ads over other similar programs is because they match up really well with the material on your pages. If they find this site because they’re interested in internet marketing, I don’t want them to see ads about tennis shoes or home loans. Google does a good job of showing ads that are related to the site.
Using Google Adsense is 100% free. After you have a website up, you can sign up with their service and use their ads on your site.
Hopefully Your Convinced That Starting A Blog Is The Way To Go
If you are, let’s talk about where you go from here.
You Should Choose A Topic
Choosing a topic isn’t the easiest thing in the world. What are you passionate about? I’ve seen lots of different kinds of blogs work! This blog is about internet marketing and personal development, but I have other blogs that are more technical. I have a site where I publish cell phone news, and it does quite well. The most important aspect of picking a topic is your interest level. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Parenting
- Personal Development
- Finance
- Real Estate
- Fitness
- Recipes
- Technology
- Politics
- Dieting
- Celebrities
- Art
- Movies
- Update: 5/1/2007 - Check out a new article I have called “Ideas For Profitable Blogs“
You could literally start a blog about anything that you’re interested in. The important thing is that you have enough interest to keep working. Most blogs die out after a month or so, the owner loses interest!
What do you read about? I’m constantly reading about internet marketing, and how to better myself as a person. I spend a lot of time searching in those two areas, and that’s why I chose to start a blog about them.
You Should Then Choose A Domain Name
A domain name is the .com name for your website. The domain name for this site, of course, is Your first option is to use your name, like I did. Your other option is to choose a name that is more related to the subject of the site.
For your first site/blog, I would use a name that is related to your subject material. This can spark some interest from people that see the name and can make it a little easier to do well in Google and other search engines.
By choosing to use the name, I know that it will take some extra work. People who see the name won’t have any idea what the site is about. I have to put in some extra time to establish my domain name as a brand.
By opting to use a name that is related to your subject, you can save yourself some marketing time.
How To Find Out If A Domain Name Is Taken/Registering Your Domain Name
There are plenty of sites around that allow you to do this. The one that I use for this is If you go to the site, you will see a search bar, where you can type in any domain name. It will tell you whether the name is already taken. If the name you want to use is available, you can register it there for $8.99. You will then own the name for one year.
You will probably find that quite a few names are already taken! Here are a few tips that you can use to find a good name that’s available.
Pick your subject and add a name to it. For example, if your subject is real estate, you could try, or You just add another word at the beginning.
Use .net, .biz, .org, or .info extensions. Some webmasters would disagree, but I haven’t found any difference at all between using a .com,a .net, or any other extension.
Once you decide on a name, you will go ahead and register it. Make sure to save your login information! Save everything or you will definitely regret it later. Congratulations, by now you should own a domain name.
Setting Up Web Hosting | What Is Web Hosting Anyway?
A web host is the computer on the internet that stores your website. You buy web hosting so that your site/blog has a place to ‘live’ on the internet. I use for my web hosting as well. (The same company that I use to register domain names.) They aren’t the absolute cheapest anywhere, but they are pretty cheap, and they have a support phone number that you can call if something gets messed up. I’ve called them quite a few times, especially in the beginning when I made quite a few mistakes.
If you use prouddomains, you need to get the deluxe hosting to make everything work properly. Its cost is $9.99 per month. At one point they will ask you if you want a Windows server or a Linux server. You need to choose the Linux server.
Once you buy the hosting account, they will guide you through setting it up. You will basically setup a user name and a password that you will use to access your site later. After you setup your hosting, it will take a few hours to become active.
Install Your Blog
Once your hosting is setup, you want to install your blog. The blog software I would recommend using is called WordPress. It’s the best around, and WordPress does a lot of the work for you. This site was built using WordPress.
If you are using for your hosting, it’s going to be really easy to setup WordPress. will actually install it for you. This is what you need to do. First, you will go back to You will then hover your mouse over Web Hosting, which is a blue button up at the top. It will drop down a little menu for you, and you’re going to click on My Hosting Accounts. will then have you sign in, unless you’re already signed in. Once you sign in, they will show you your hosting accounts. Most of you will probably only have one. You should see a link that says ‘open’. It will be under the control panel column. Once you find the ‘open’ link, click on it. It will then open up the control panel for your hosting account.
At that point, you will see quite a few little icons, (Account Login, Domain Management…..) and you are going to look for one that says, “Value Applications.” It looks like this:
Once you find this icon, you’re going to click on it. You will be taken to another page where has some applications that can be installed on your site. One of these applications is WordPress. You’ll find it listed in the left column under community tools. Once you find the link to WordPress, go ahead and click on it. You will then see a red button that says, “Install Now.” Go ahead and click the button.
It will then ask you which of your domains you would like to use. Most of you will only have one, so you will select it, (if you have more than one you will select the one that you want to use) and then you will click continue. You may need to scroll down a little to find the continue button. It will then have you fill in a ‘Database Description’ and a ‘Database Password’. For the description you can put anything you want. You could put ‘Dave’s Blog’ if your name is Dave. It really doesn’t matter at all what you put there. For the password, fill in whatever password you want to use. Make sure that you save this information. Write down the information every time you fill out something like this. After you fill it in, click next.
Another screen will come up that will ask you to choose an install directory. Since this blog is going to be your whole site, you don’t want it in a directory. After your domain name, you will see a box that will probably have the word, ‘WordPress’ in it. You need to delete it. Click your cursor in there and backspace the whole word. You will then click next. It will take you to another screen where you need to fill in a little more information. It will have you choose an admin name, and an admin password. You will also need to enter in your email address. It needs to be a real email address. It will also have you give your blog a title. This can be changed later if you want, so fill something in. As you can see, the title of this blog is, “Internet Marketing And Personal Development.” You can use whatever title seems relevant to your subject. Don’t waste a lot of time here, again, because your title can be changed later. Once you have filled that in, click finish. For now you’re all done!
It will take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour to install your blog. When they are done, you should be able to see it by going to your site in internet explorer. Once it’s setup, somewhere on your website you will find a login link. You will login with the admin name and admin password you just set up. Once you login, I think you will find everything to be pretty self-explanatory.
If you have any questions about how to do anything, please leave a comment! I will be more than happy to answer any questions. I would at this point take some time to click on everything in there, just to see what everything does and how it works. You Now Have A Website! If you have made it this far, that tells me that you’re probably pretty persistent. Will you make it through this entire article? I’m willing to bet that most people won’t. This is pretty frustrating to me!
So many people ask me for help, but somehow I know that if I direct them to this article, they won’t even read the whole thing. Most people are looking for an easier route. They don’t want to put in the time. They are looking for the easiest way possible to realize their success.
That’s why I really don’t believe that most people can make money with the internet. It seems that most people can’t be successful at all! They simply don’t have the persistence. I would ask you right here whether you are a persistent person. If you can’t muster the energy to do everything in this entire article, I don’t think this business is for you. If you haven’t been a persistent person in the past, perhaps this is the time to learn how to be one. If you can be persistent, you can make this work.
Now You Have A Site - What’s Next?
Now is the time for you to start writing. We need to get some material on your site. Really quickly before you publish anything, let’s check on one little marketing tool that you’re going to need. Login to your site, go to options, and then go to writing. Scroll down to the bottom, and you’ll see a box labeled Update Services. You need to make sure that the following URL is in the box - If it’s there, your blog will let the blog search engines know each time you update your site. This is a very important marketing tool, so if it’s not there make sure to copy the URL above and paste it in. Make sure that you click the update options button if you have to do this.
As soon as this is done, you’re ready to add some categories. You probably want to start with at least 5 categories. Every subject has some categories of information, and you should take a little time to decide how to split things up. My most recent protégé started a site about health and fitness, and has the blog divided into these five categories:
- Aging Gracefully
- Fitness Exercise and Weight Control
- Fitness Tips
- Muscular Strength and Endurance
- Stress Relief
This site will end up with quite a few categories, but started with these basic five:
- News
- Finding A Voice
- Motivation
- Promoting Your Blog/Site
- Search Engine Optimization
I have added a category for beginners, and can see that I will be adding more soon. I tell you this so you know that your blog will always evolve. Don’t worry about trying to create a finished product right now, just come up with the best five you can.
How To Add Categories To Your Blog
Once you’re logged in to your site, you will go to Manage, and then to Categories. You will see a link that says, “add new.” You will click the link and then it will let you fill in the category name. Don’t worry about filling in the other stuff; it will fill it in for you. Once you’ve filled in the name, go ahead and click, “Add Category.” You will need to do this once for each category you want to add.
Now You Need To Add Entries To Each Category!
Now is the time to start writing! What do have to say to the world? If you’re hurting for ideas, you should have a look at my article, “Read Your Competition’s Work.” It’s always good to read what your competitors and fellow bloggers have to say. You should also be reading sites that offer news about your subject. You can use ideas to get at those sites to start writing. It’s never worth plagiarizing! People want to know your unique perspective on things; it does no good to write the exact same thing as everyone else. People want to know what you think!
By now you should have an article in each one of your categories. Well done!
What Now? How Often Should You Blog?
This topic is highly debated, but I can tell you that you should try to blog every single day. A blog gives you the unique ability of getting repeat visitors that will come back every single day. Most websites don’t have this kind of draw, but you can! Of course, if I go to your site tomorrow and see the exact same thing I saw yesterday, why would I check it everyday? If you want to do well, you will create new entries at least 5 times per week. For more on this, check out this article, “If You Can’t Post Daily, Don’t Quit Your Day Job.”
How Good Are Your Entries?
Even more important that how often you post is the type of material you’re posting. I try to make my articles extremely thorough. That’s why this article ended up so big; I wanted to ensure that people who read it could start a blog. Your users will know if you’re really trying to help them, or if you’re just trying to get something on the site that day. If you focus on writing material that actually helps people, people will come back again and again. I want this site to be a place where people can go to find help. I want them to grow when they read what I have to say; in fact I want this site to be the best site out there for this!
I understand that this will take some time, but I really believe that if I continue to be thorough and aware of what people need, I can make it happen. You have to try to provide the best information you can.
Blogging And Comments
One nice feature about a blog is that people can leave comments. If you’re reading this entry, you’re more than welcome to leave a comment when you get to the bottom. Some webmasters believe that responding to visitor’s comments is too time consuming. I absolutely disagree! Responding to comments is one of the best things you can do, it creates trust between you and your visitors, and makes it so they want to come back to the site again and again.
At some point, your site may outgrow comments! If you’re getting to many comments to manage, you may need to eventually turn them off. Until then, it’s a great way to establish a relationship between you and your visitors.
Respond to your visitors and answer their questions. From time to time they will ask you questions that you don’t know. It is most definitely in your best interest to find the answer for them! You can learn yourself and also establish yourself as an expert in your field. Other users will also see that your site is an interactive place where they can find the material they’re looking for. From time to time, you will see that your visitors answer each other’s questions!
Do You Want To Have A Quality Site?
Many of you are probably just in it for the money. I teach people how to make money online all the time, and the truth is that most people I teach don’t want to do very much work. They want to do the bare minimum. I read the blogs of many successful online entrepreneurs, and there is one common mentality that they all have. They want their sites to be the absolute best in their industries. I notice that I said they want their sites to be the best. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the best.
One thing is certain, they give their all to make their sites the best resources they possibly can. You should keep in mind that when you’re starting from scratch, you won’t be the best right away. Over time, you can establish your site/blog as a great resource for people.
Promoting Your Blog / Getting More Traffic
Now you have a site, let’s talk about getting you some traffic!
#1 Way To Get Traffic - Creating Valuable Material
The absolute best way to promote your blog is by creating content that actually helps people. Many bloggers and internet marketers rely on search engines for 100% of their traffic. In reality, it’s a lot easier to get traffic from word of mouth than it is from search engines! If you are pumping out material that is truly helpful to people, they will keep coming back, and they will tell lots of other people about it. They will link to you with their blogs. They will link to you from myspace, facebook, and send emails to everyone they know.
When I think about writing for this site, I try to think of what topic will help my readers the most. I know that the only way I will reach my goals is to help other people to reach theirs. I’ve met so many people that really want to learn this business, but don’t know where to start. I want this site to be a resource that they can use from start to finish. This means that everyday I think about what information will be the best for you, my readers!
When you create material that will actually help your readers, they will notice. Remember that you will always be more successful if you write for your readers.
You want to make sure that your blog’s content is original. I find original things to write about all the time. I do it by writing about things I can’t find anywhere. I searched for months for an article on how to make money blogging. I found quite a few, but couldn’t find anything that covered all the major topics, start to finish. Even though I know a lot about making money online, blogging has some unique and interesting characteristics that make it a little different from traditional website marketing.
Over time, I have learned a ton, but never found an article that covered everything. This is the kind of topic I look for, that’s why I wrote this one!
Pinging The Blog Search Engines
This part of your marketing will be done for you if you’re using a WordPress blog. Earlier, I had you make sure that this was setup properly. Each time you publish a post on your site, WordPress will ping (send a special message) the blog search engines. They will update their search engines, adding your new material to their results. The way blog search engines work is quite different than the way regular search engines work. Blog search engines will show the most recent entries found under each topic. This means that you can increase the traffic to your blog simply by posting more often.
Commenting On Other Blogs
One super effective way of getting traffic for your blog is by commenting on other blogs. When you comment on a blog, they allow you type in the URL to your website. When you type this in, you want to put in the entire URL. When I do this, I type It will then make a link that people can follow to your site. Usually when I comment on blogs, quite a few people will visit my site to check it out. The webmaster of the blog I’m commenting on usually has to approve the comments, so he ends up visiting my site too.
Often bloggers will read other blogs to find significant material for their readers. Bloggers who have found me this way will often link to my blog, as they find material that is useful for their readers.
Blog Carnivals
Blog carnivals are places that feature a ton of blogs about a certain subject. There are blog carnivals about almost any topic. If you do a Google search for blog carnivals, you’ll find quite a few sites that do them.
Usually you’ll see a list of a ton of topics, and if you want to get into a certain blog carnival, you simply have to write an article about that topic. You submit it to the carnival, and they link to your site. This can drive quite a bit of new traffic to your site. If people like what you have to say, they will continue to come back again and again. Other bloggers will be checking out the carnival as well, and some of them may link to you if they like your material.
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization is making it so that your site does well in the major search engines. As of the day I’m writing this article (2/25/2007), Google by far is the biggest search engine. Yahoo! and MSN can also bring significant amounts of traffic to your site.
If you want to do well in any of these search engines, let me point you in the right direction. The most important method you will use to do well in search engines is keeping your site updated. If you stop adding new material to your site, your search engine traffic will slowly die. Most search engines want to see fresh material added to your site constantly, and this is especially true with Google. Google will drop your site altogether if it isn’t updated for a while.
How Do I Get Into Google In The First Place?
Luckily with a WordPress blog, this will be taken care of for you, as long as you continue to publish new material. When your posts get you into the blog search engines, Google, and all the other search engines will naturally find you.
How Do I Get A Better Ranking In The Search Engines?
There are two articles I’ve written about this, and I’ll post them here for you:
To learn more about getting better rankings and search engine optimization, you can also visit the search engine optimization section of this site.
How Long Until I Start Getting Traffic?
This totally depends on you! If you start commenting on other blogs, you will start getting traffic right then! The more blogs you comment on the more traffic you will get initially. Blog carnivals are also ways of getting traffic in a hurry.
As far as traffic from search engines, it will take you at least a few months. As your site continues to grow, so will your traffic from search engines.
How Long Until I Make Money?
This is the most asked question by far! It will take at least a few months after your blog gets set up. Of course, the more direct marketing you do (word of mouth, commenting of other blogs), the more accelerated this process will be.
Sometimes people are learning this business, and they ask if they should quit their jobs. My answer is almost always, “Are you crazy?” You don’t quit your job while you’re learning a brand new business. Learn the business, and then quit your job!
Yes, you can make a very significant income doing this. However, not everyone is going to make money. To tell the honest truth, you have to be pretty smart and wicked persistent. Most people can’t handle writing day after day. When you have a website, you do the work and don’t see the results for months. Most people honestly can’t handle it.
Hopefully This Gives You Somewhere To Start
I really want to create a helpful article that could help my readers to get started. If I could only give you one piece of advice, it would be to keep learning. I will continue to leave you with valuable tidbits of information. I will try to give you the material you need to find success.